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Our Team​

Paul Morris M.Sc. Restoration Ecologist - CERP

Meet Paul, Our Expert in Ecology and Restoration

With over 30 years of expertise in ecology, botany, ecosystem restoration, and regenerative farming, Paul is a seasoned professional dedicated to preserving and restoring our planet's natural ecosystems. As a Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner (CERP) with the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER), Paul has demonstrated his commitment to excellence and proficiency in his field.

Expert Speaker and Presenter

Paul is renowned for his engaging speaking engagements, captivating audiences at prestigious venues such as the Royal Botanical Gardens and the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER). His depth of knowledge and practical insights into native plants and restoration ecology inspire and empower others to take action toward environmental conservation.

A Journey Rooted in Passion

Paul's journey in ecology and restoration began in his youth, painting landscapes alongside his father and grandfather. These formative experiences instilled in him a deep appreciation for the outdoors and natural history, sparking a lifelong passion for environmental stewardship.

Leadership in Restoration Ecology

Throughout his career, Paul has led numerous restoration projects across Canada and beyond, demonstrating his expertise in the design, planting, and management of restoration areas. As a Project Manager for the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, he spearheaded the restoration of meadow ecosystems within the City of Toronto's hydro corridor—a testament to his leadership and impact in the field.

Global Impact

In Yucatan, Mexico, Paul has dedicated nine years to restoring a 39-hectare biological reserve to a thriving tropical dry forest, further expanding his global footprint in ecosystem restoration efforts.

Educator and Course Creator

Paul is committed to sharing his wealth of knowledge and experience with others. As the creator and instructor of the Introduction to Ecosystem Restoration online course and the Fundamentals of Ecosystem Restoration field course, Paul collaborates with Ecosystem Restoration Communities and the Soil Food Web School to empower individuals with the skills and insights needed to make a difference.

Join Paul on the Journey to Restore Our Planet

Through his work on the Planet Healers YouTube channel and beyond, Paul invites you to join him on the journey to heal and restore our planet. Your support and donations enable Paul and his team to continue their vital mission of ecological conservation and restoration, ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.

Sophia Ortiz, Agronomy Engineer

Meet Sophia Ortiz - Agronomy Engineer

Sophia Ortiz is a dedicated Agronomy Engineer with a passion for sustainable agriculture and environmental conservation. With a background in Agricultural Sciences, Sophia's journey in agronomy began with a focus on ornamental horticulture, where she explored alternatives to meet the growing demand in floriculture.

A Journey of Innovation and Research

Sophia's curiosity and interest in research led her to specialize in biotechnology and plant micropropagation, where she developed research protocols for the rescue, propagation, and management of wild species. Her innovative approach and commitment to sustainability led her to integrate landscaping, vertical ecosystems, and environmental technologies at Green Point, where she concurrently provided consultation and training in biotechnology while creating artwork with vertical ecosystems.

Championing Soil Regeneration and Regenerative Agriculture

With Resilient Ecosystems Institute A.C., Sophia is dedicated to mentoring students in the practice of soil regeneration, local plant propagation, and regenerative agriculture. Her passion projects include the creation of a local species botanical garden, the development of new eco techniques, and documenting her processes and discoveries through photography and videography.

A Commitment to Lifelong Learning

Sophia's dedication to sustainability extends to her continuous education in Ecovillage Design and Permaculture Design courses, which she integrates into her projects to enhance their environmental impact and resilience.

Join Sophia on the Journey to Sustainable Agriculture

Sophia's work embodies a commitment to innovation, research, and environmental stewardship. Join her in creating a more sustainable future through regenerative agriculture, soil regeneration, and the preservation of local plant species.

Juan Manuel Ortiz, Engineer
Juan Manuel Ortiz

Meet Juan Manuel Ortiz - Engineer, Project Manager

Juan Manuel Ortiz is a seasoned Engineer and Project Manager with a wealth of experience in naval technology, mechanical engineering, and clean energy initiatives. Graduating as an Engineer in Naval Sciences from the Heroic Military Naval School in Mexico, Juan Manuel holds a military degree as a Lieutenant of the Frigate and has pursued additional studies in Financial Consulting from the ITESM Campus MTY.

A Leader in Engineering and Innovation

Throughout his career, Juan Manuel has distinguished himself as a born leader with expertise in mechanical engineering, design of power systems, and operation and maintenance of turbines and auxiliary systems. His dedication to excellence led him to participate in training programs at the Fleet Training Center, US NAVY, San Diego, California.

Pioneering New Technologies

Driven by his passion for technology and innovation, Juan Manuel designed and patented a High-Efficiency, Electromagnetic Integral Power Generation System independent of conventional systems. As Project Manager at Earth Connection Center, he leads and coordinates projects in clean energies, ecotechnologies, sustainable systems, and survival skills development in the jungle.

An Advocate for Environmental Conservation

Juan Manuel's extensive knowledge and appreciation for nature have inspired him to develop new models for the care, protection, and monitoring of flora and fauna species within the Reserve. His dedication to creating sustainable solutions reflects his commitment to environmental conservation and preservation.

Join Juan Manuel on the Journey to Sustainable Solutions

Juan Manuel's leadership and expertise drive innovation and progress in the field of clean energy and environmental conservation. Join him in creating a more sustainable future through his visionary projects and initiatives.

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